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Sleazy Sleepwear Printed Sheet

Sleazy Sleepwear Printed Sheet
Vejl. udsalgspris   1.139,00 DKK
  • Pris ved køb af 1 Stk,1.139,00  DKK
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Print Sheet
Sleazy Sleepwear Stretch Sheets can be used alone to smooth body hair, keep your horse clean and help protect from blanket rub. You can also combined the sheet with a Sleazy Sleepwear hood for the all over shine. Sleazy Sheets are made of nylon or polyester spandex. All Sheets are reinforced along the back to prevent over-stretching and include a fleece lined adjustable neck. Sleazy Stretch Sheets have adjustable rear leg straps with snap hook closures. Sheets are available in 5 sizes. They come in all the print patterns offered by Sleazy Sleepwear for HorsesT. Sizing is calculated the same way as traditional blankets.
Varenr.: SSprsh