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Reinsman | Argentine Dog Bone Shank Snaffle Bit

Reinsman | Argentine Dog Bone Shank Snaffle Bit
  • På lager 
Vejl. udsalgspris   729,00 DKK
  • Pris ved køb af 1 Stk,729,00  DKK
Reinsman | Argentine Dog Bone Shank Snaffle Bit

Størrelse: 6"

Shank Snaffle med 3 delt mundstykke med kobberrulle. Ideelt overgangsbid for hesten som skal i stang.

Producenten skriver: "Argentine 3/8 Smooth Dog Bone Snaffle with Roller. 6" Cheeks One of the most popular shanks for training when leaving the ring snaffle and appying some curb pressure. Mouthpiece bends over the bars at a greater angle than a solid or two piece mouthpiece, allowing contact to new nerves for better control. Copper roller can help calm a nervous horse and add some light tongue pressure for a better head set."
Varenr.: RM 405