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Raise your hand if you love horses

Raise your hand if you love horses
Vejl. udsalgspris   275,00 DKK
  • Pris ved køb af 1 Stk,275,00  DKK
Pat Parelli's Journey from zero to hero
Described as a horseman, raconteur, philosopher, entertainer and educator, Pat parelli is truly a renaissance man in the universe of horses. He developed a methodical natural horsemanship program and over the last 25 years, his mission in life has been to help natural horsemanship evolve from a back-yard phenomenon to a mainstream movement. Some of his knowledge and expertise has come easily and some with a high cost. His dream and life's work unfold on the pages of this book. 224 pages and over 200 color and black-and-white photos.
Varenr.: Raise Your Hand