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Legends 7

Legends 7
Vejl. udsalgspris   275,00 DKK
  • Pris ved køb af 1 Stk,275,00  DKK
Bla. Peppy San Badger
Another volume in the top-selling Western Horseman Legends series, this 264-page book profiles the following legendary horses: Cutter Bill, Jazabell Quixote, Rey Jay, Teresa Tivio, Big Step, War Leo, Gay Bar King, Commander King, Skip A Barb, Otoe, Quincy Dan, Doc's Dee Bar, Sonny Dee Bar, Boston Mac, Peppy San Badger, Te N' Te, Doc's Oak, Rugged Lark, Mr Conclusion and Hollywood Dun It
Varenr.: Leg 7